Online dating disasters

Online dating disasters

I have met some interesting women in the online dating arena and I have to say, the online dating world is a naughty wonderland of deception and decrepit traps. I must also say, for the observant and intuitive, it is an amazing tool to meet new people. I have had nothing but positive experiences; however, I talk to so many friends who tell me the most hilarious and unfortunate tales of online dating horrors.

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Let me be clear when I say that these are only my opinions and experiences based on personal analysis.

And the internet didn’t disappoint, racking up more than 1, replies. Women shared their worst dating disasters, from being arrested after a car chase to.

Launched in , OkCupid is now one of the leading free online dating services globally with over 50 million registered users and used in countries. In , 91 million connections were made via the site annually, with an average of 50, dates arranged every week. However, the detailed personal information submitted by users also makes online dating services targets for threat actors, either for targeted attacks, or for selling on to other hackers. Researchers detailed the three-step attack method which would have enabled a hacker to target users:.

Thankfully, OkCupid responded to our findings immediately and responsibly to mitigate these vulnerabilities on their mobile app and website. Check Point researchers responsibly disclosed their findings to OkCupid. OkCupid acknowledged and fixed the security flaws in its servers, so users do not need to take any action. Not a single user was impacted by the potential vulnerability on OkCupid, and we were able to fix it within 48 hours.