Self-Proclaimed Nice Guys, and other D-Bags to Avoid

Self-Proclaimed Nice Guys, and other D-Bags to Avoid

So, your best friend is talking to that douche lord again. And you can’t ice her out, either. If the guy is physically abusive in any way, this is a totally different story and you need to take action immediately.

If you really can’t help yourself and your friend asks for your opinion, only give it once. They won’t forget what you said. My friends once staged a He’s A Douche.

Everybody has their area of expertise. While my friends work their way towards becoming functional members of society, real career paths included, I continue accumulating experience in douchebag analysis, tallying up those 10, hours to become an expert. As a result, I have garnered a rather keen understanding of the nature of the Dbag game, equipped with its own repugnant code of conduct! Before you begin, decide if its even worth it.

The only dbags deserving such dramatic avenge are the Level 10 douches who make their cases clear from the get-go with the usual indicators of a wandering eye and low follow-through. If you feel like being the Robin Hood of females, bravo, but be aware that real douchebags do not change their spot and the entire experience will be but a quick entertainment fix and practice for future husband taming.

Unless you have a crazy Ukrainian mother who taught you the tricks of the trade en lieu of nursery rhymes, most of the following techniques will feel bizarre, offensive, in fact, borderline inhumane. The sooner you realize this, the faster you will overcome the inadvertent guilt that comes along with acting like a 1 st degree psychopath. Psycho bitch it up.